Summary of the Nordic-Baltic energy conference 2016: What lays behind electricity bill?

Thursday, 26 May 2016
Madis Tilga, green growth adviser with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia (right) and Timo Tatar, Head of Energy Department of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Madis Tilga, green growth adviser with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia (right) and Timo Tatar, Head of Energy Department of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Photo: Terje Lepp/

"If it works – tax it! If it still works – regulate! And if it stops working – subsidise! Not sure how well this punchline fits for everyday practical use but it certainly bears somewhat intriquing meaning. There are remarkable regional disparities in countries' energy production and performance, different tax schemes and regulations, market design initiatives etc. Some universal and long-sighted framework conditions should be put in place in order to encourage investments and move towards integrated and transparent market. The report from the Nordic-Baltic energy conference "Implementation and Implications of Energy Union" will deliver some key aspects of these challenges," says Madis Tilga, adviser with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia and one of the organisers of the conference. 

The report is compiled by Irje Möldre, Bioenergy adviser with the Estonian Private Forest Centre Foundation.

The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia invited together with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policy and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Economic Affairs of Estonia civil servants, experts and entrepreneurs to a high-level conference on May 11-12 in Tallinn to discuss EU's Energy Union perspectives and implementation in the Nordic countries and Baltic states. The overarching aim was to underpin smart decision-making on the regional level. Find out more about our work on energy cooperation and view presentations from the conference.

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