Need help registering for Nordic Library Week?

Monday, 04 October 2010

Libraries wishing to take part in Nordic Library Week this year but having trouble registering on the website can download the registration form (translated into Estonian). You will still also need to complete the online form in Swedish on the Library Week website in order to register.

If you have any questions, Eha Vain, a cultural adviser with the Estonian office of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will be happy to help you on +372 627 3104 or by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The theme of this year’s Library Week is "War and Peace in the North". The organisers feel it is important to remember the wartime events that have taken place in the Nordic countries in order to comprehend and assess the mutual understanding and cooperation that exist today. Authors Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Finland), Benny Andersen (Denmark), Astrid Lindgren and Gunilla Bergström (Sweden) all examine war and peace in their writing.

The programme for Library Week will be confirmed in autumn.

Find out more about the Library Week here.


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