Integration of Renewable Electricity and Future Electricity Market Design

Countries across Europe are adjusting their energy development plans and stepping up investments in order to cope with present challenges. We seek to present views and perspectives on regional and national developments of the policies to promote renewable energy in a new electricity market context as well as exchanging views on the state of the electricity market in the Nordic-Baltic region. In doing so we provide the views of Nordic and Baltic countries on the major trends of renewable energy, the future regional market design and infrastructure developments.
- the way forward post-Europe 2020 on cost-effective policies and better governance;
- regional and global policy scenarios of renewable energy;
- the Nordic-Baltic cooperation potential within the renewables sector;
- efficient energy transition measures;
- the future energy grid, danger of overregulation, cooperation between NRAs,
- flexibility options and balancing;
- security of supply.
One of the game changers in the field of energy in Europe is the EU's Energy Union initiative. The idea of the EU's Energy Union initiative is to establish principles and instruments to achieve EU targets for 2030 in the field of energy and climate. Policy responses and rapid actions are necessary in order to make the transition to low-carbon economy. The EU has already decided on the principles of the Energy Union and is in the phase of delivering several dimensions and initiatives of the Energy Union. All the five policy dimensions in the Energy Union concept are to deliver towards 2030.
In spring 2016 we invited together with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policy and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Economic Affairs of Estonia civil servants, experts and entrepreneurs to a high-level conference in Tallinn to discuss EU's Energy Union perspectives and implementation in the Nordic countries and Baltic states. The overarching aim was to underpin smart decision-making on the regional level.
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Photos from our events can be found in our picture gallery.
articles from energy related events
- Summary of the EU's Energy Union conference 2016
- Summary of the future energy conference 2015: Renewable energy is a sound match for the electricity network. The electricity market is preparing for roller coaster.