Education free of charge in the Nordic countries?

Monday, 04 October 2010

The programme "Björk- study in the Nordic countries" introduced study opportunities at the international educational fair that took place at Tallinn University on Wednesday, 11 February. According to Niclas Fältsjö, who is working on the programme in the Nordic Council of Ministers' office in Estonia, most of the fair-goers were positively surprised when told that education in the Nordic countries is free of charge. Indeed, it would remarkably facilitate the financial aspect of studying. Many were pleased with the Russian version of the website.

The Nordic countries manage to attract their target audience among more than 10 other European countries' representations introducing respective studying opportunities. Interests ranged from psychology and sports to law and economics.

Many of the fair participants had already consulted the programme's web page:

"Björk - study in the Nordic countries" is a wide-ranging information programme on education and career opportunities developed on the initiative of the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic embassies.

The focus of the information programme is on vocational education/training, e-learning and life-long learning.

Carita Pettersson, Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers' office in Estonia, says the Nordic countries have a lot to offer for both the student and the professional. "Life-long learning is becoming an inevitable necessity for everyone. However, people tend to underestimate its value and are unaware of how best to seek it. Relatively under-utilised is the e-learning method, which enables us to fit studies most favourably into our lifestyle," elaborates Pettersson.

The programme will also be represented at the education fair Orientiir in Narva, 13-14 March.

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