Nordic Statistical Yearbook 2010: Sweden has the highest unemployment rate of young people in the Nordic region

Friday, 19 November 2010

Nordic Statistical Yearbook 201025% of Swedish citizens between ages 16 and 24 were unemployed in 2009. Denmark and Norway do somewhat better in this respect, their unemployment rate among young people being around 10%. The Nordic Statistical Yearbook 2010 includes the above and other interesting statistical data on the Nordic countries.

    Also from the Yearbook 2010:

    o In Iceland 37% of students quit school right after compulsory school. The percentage of students with just basic education is higher only in Aland, namely 38%.
    o In Sweden the most popular name for newborn girls is Alice. In Finland the most popular name is Aino, in Denmark Freja, in Iceland Sara and in Norway Emma.
    o Sweden is the Nordic country where women have the most abortions. In Sweden 348 abortions per 1000 newborns were performed in 2008. However, in Greenland, which is an autonomous country of Denmark, the number of abortions is higher than that of live births.

    The Nordic Statistical Yearbook 2010 includes comparative figures for the five Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as for the autonomous countries of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland.

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