Region of Opportunity - a Nordic response to the challenges of globalisation

Friday, 01 October 2010

Halldór Ásgrímsson, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers, points at Nordic strengths in the context of globalisation. The Secretary General has presented a joint Nordic perspective on the challenges of globalisation. The presumption is that many of the challenges posed by globalisation cannot be solved by one country or a region on its own, but that a multilateral approach is required.

The Nordic region has good potential because the same values are shared, the region has a well-developed knowledge infrastructure, competitiveness and a creative potential beyond comparison.

The following measures and objectives will help strenghten the Nordic Region in a globalised world.

The climate, the environment and energy

Expanding the usage of renewable energy, reducing greenhouse emissions and providing stable and sustainable energy supplies have traditionally been the fields were Nordic countries are contributing remarkably. And they continue to do so even in a more profound manner. The Nordic electricity market is a prime example of successful co-operation in the region.


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