Winners and losers in the Nordic Region

Saturday, 08 March 2014
Norrbotten. Photo: Silje Bergum Kinsten/ Norrbotten. Photo: Silje Bergum Kinsten/

State of the Nordic Region 2013 gives a comprehensive status of the latest development in the Nordic region, with a specific focus at both regional and municipal levels. It incorporates the latest available statistics with analyses on population structure, migration, labour market trends as well as different economic aspects.

Norway and the largest urban regions in the Nordic region are the winners, while rural areas and small and medium-sized cities are the losers. This is the main conclusion from this report. However, there are significant differences throughout the Nordic region. For instance, Norrbotten in Sweden, Pohjanmaa in Finland and the Western part of Midtjylland in Denmark are examples of peripheral regions with high employment and relatively strong economic growth.

Read and download State of the Nordic Regions 2013 at Nordregio's website. Nordregio (Nordic Centre for Spatial Development, an institute of the Nordic Council of Ministers) is a leading international Nordic research institute in the broad field of regional studies.

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