Calls for proposals for public administration and Nordic-Baltic NGO grants open in January

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Estonian NGOs that would like to cooperate with Nordic NGOs can apply for grants from the Grant Programme for Nordic-Baltic Non-Governmental Organisations from January 15. The deadline for submission of electronic applications is 15 March 2015.

The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia is looking forward to receiving applications from NGOs and foundations acting in the public interest whose goal is to increase social cohesion and strengthen civil society. The cooperation of at least three NGOs is required and one of them must to be a Nordic NGO.

Applications focussing on sustainable development are preferred. Grants range from DKK 20,000 to DKK 100,000. Applications with co-financing are preferred. Co-financing for a project may be direct (monetary contribution from the applicant) or indirect (monetary contribution from project partners, an organisation, state agency, donor, etc.).

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration supports cooperation between public servants of all levels in the region. The call for proposals will open on 19 January and applications must be submitted electronically by 30 March 2015.

Read more about the Nordic-Baltic support programmes.

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