The Ministers of the Environment of all five Nordic countries celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Nordic Ecolabel at the Nordic Council 66th Session in Stockholm at the end of October. Icelandic Minister of the Environment Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson described the ecolabel as a "Nordic superbrand".

Almost all of the residents of the Nordic countries recognise the Nordic Ecolabel – more than 91% of the population. This makes it one of the world's most successful environmental labels.

The Nordic Ecolabel, the Swan label, which comes with stringent requirements, helps residents of the Nordic countries choose environmentally friendly products and thus contribute to preserving their living environment. Consumer choices have encouraged companies to organise their production in a way that is also more sparing of the environment. The inclusion of the Swan labelled on products furthermore provides reassurance to entrepreneurs when choosing partners to work with.

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